Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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already missing a few days to celebrate the bicentennial of our country.
On May 25, 1810, to form the First National Government is able to make known the ideas that had been talking in secret meetings. Ideas sought, above all things, freedom of the American people.
These founding fathers of our nation were people like us with joys and sorrows, sufferings and put welfare but above all, the interests of all, knowing that, if failed revolution ran many risks his life, his family, his property . Traveling
200 years we can see that part of the population was included in that idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom and still others excluded.
The excluded are those who still do not have their basic needs met, children living on the street, who do not receive vaccines because nobody cares about your health ...
The best tribute we can pay to those who had the courage, 200 years ago to start this damn long for independence and justice, is to raise our demand high so that everyone in this country have equal opportunities. WORKING
Marchissi Morinigo-5 GRADE


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