Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dry Heaves Morning After Drinking

Buscame. ^ ^

You know that my account can not get anyone forget if you have not gone out, and may not understand that I have no control of this love that is lost and left me in oblivion without the direction of your heart; I can not say goodbye, and know that without you I am lost, I am but a wounded soul. Find me where it comes and do not give reason for never surrendered.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Man In Bra, Pantee & Saree

I'm willing to accept the challenge. I will venture on a downhill without brakes, yeah, maybe at the end of the slope, crash into the wall, or maybe there is someone at the end to avoid it. Who knows? Everything is played all you have, matter of life or death. A few people will do everything great, and others less fortunate, not quite, but no, those who do not usually have much luck means everything will always go wrong, it's all smile, and pretend not bruise hurts you that you have made crashing into the wall. I consider myself one of those people who are not as lucky as others. And you know what? I'm still so happy, I laugh at every failure, perhaps a tear drop continuously by stamping on the wall, but I smile, guess why. Because they say that practice makes perfect, and I believe that every step I take is a choice learned.